Jumat, 05 Juni 2015

Weight Loss Success Stories

Morgan is 5'6" tall. In the before photo she weighs about 225 and in the after pic she is at 135 pounds.

Morgan was over 100 pounds above her ideal weight after years of adding pounds in high school and university. When she finished University she was at her heaviest weight ever, at about 250 pounds. 

It took her about two years to lose 115 pounds and she has maintained her current weight of 135 for over three years now. 

Congrats to Morgan. Thanks much for your inspiring story!

I initially  began with small changes (changing unhealthy go to’s with more nutritious options).. a huge part of my weight loss was fueled by being unhappy and being uncomfortable in my own skin. 

I was never a heavy child, I was quite the opposite, underweight most of my life and spent my time doing competitive dance and swim. As I got older my dedication to the sports diminished and I became more concerned with hanging out with my friends and other teenagery things.

Because the exercise shift was so massive and my eating remained the same within the 4 years of high school I gained 65 lbs and an additional 40 lbs once university food became incorporated into my diet. I had never been so heavy before.

I was insecure, none of my clothes fit, I was bigger than all of my friends and people began making fat jokes when they thought I was out of hearing range. Enough was enough. One day after I finished my last exam and was getting ready to start my new summer job, I decided that school was over, exams were done; it was time for a change. What’s better to work on than my happiness? 

I dug up an old weight watchers book from the depths of my basement dating back to high school (the first time I attempted to loose the excess weight.) and the journey began. The first year I lost 80 pounds through just diet shift- I used weight watchers to help me monitor my eating choices and keep my diet balanced and my habits healthy (I come from a long line of eating disorders on my mothers side of the family; 3 generations of models… go figure) The remaining weight came off in my second year as I slowly incorporated regular exercise into my routine as well. 

Through my weightless journey I developed a better relationship with food and exercise, but in that I also developed a better relationship with myself. In those two years I learned how to love myself again. Not because I was thin, but because I was taking care of myself, nourishing my body and claiming back as my own.

Weight loss is hard, and it doesn't happen overnight, but  that doesn't mean it won’t happen. Take it day by day and don't beat yourself up for the little binges or bad days. Progress is progress- just keep moving forward.

Kamis, 04 Juni 2015

Going From XXXXL to Medium Size Shirt

Shawn Before Losing 140 pounds
At 205 pounds (after losing 140 pounds)

Shawn used to wear an XXXXL (4XL) shirt but now wears a medium size shirt. He's lost 140 pounds. It took him just six months to lose the first one hundred pounds. Another thirty pounds got pounded away by the end of the first year - in Janurary 2010. He got down to under two hundred pounds at one point soon after but is now wavering at a pretty happy 220 or so..

Shawn lost his weight by counting calories. He allows himself cheat days and junk food on a regular basis but says the key is to keep within your calories for most days. His exercise of choice is basketball and the gym.

He started a blog - 344Pounds.com - when he first set out to lose the weight. He sent the 'before' pic and link to all his friends and relatives. This was embarrassing for him but he felt it would be pivotal in motivating him to stick to his goal.

Check out his site, he has some very inspiring posts including some great before and after pics and his first year weekly weight loss progress chart.

There are a lot of people who like to lose weight by counting calories. I've always thought this weight loss method appeals more to women than men. (Weight Watchers is based on this, and seems to be much more popular with women than men, see some success stories on this site about Weight Watchers...) My personal opinion is that whether this is a successful long-term strategy depends a lot on the type of personality you have. For example, in my case, I'm too much of a rebel type, I could never stick to this kind of detailed regiment of watching my calorie consumption all the time. I also think you'd be much more prone to experience hunger and discomfort if you are keeping to your calorie count, but it is based on foods that are not filling and nutritional. My personal preferred route is just to stick to exceptionally healthy foods most of the time. I believe you can eat a great deal of deliciously cooked vegetables, beans and brown rice, never feel hungry and consistently lose weight. I'm the type who would much rather educate myself on the healthiest foods and focus on eating those rather than on counting calories. (See some great info about healthy food here. )

But different methods work better for different people. Congrats to Shawn! Please visit his site.

Rabu, 03 Juni 2015

Losing Pain and 60 Pounds

Congrats to Teri who lost sixty pounds seven years ago and has maintained this weight loss since then. 

She says she used to be a yo-yo dieter all her life and had tried many diets. 

"I had a stressful career, and my position required excessive travel.  I was home on average of three days a month, and mostly I wined and dined for a living (sounds tough, doesn't it?).  When the weight creeps on at five pounds a year, it doesn't seem so bad.  At least not until the 10th year.....

My life as I knew it came to a halt when a suicidal deer ran into the side of my car in November 2004.  I had severe neck and back injuries, and spent the next four months in either my bed or a hospital bed.  Between the myriad of medications and the desire for only "odorless, silent comfort food", that catered pity-party was good for another 10-20 pounds.

When I was finally out of bed, I had the restriction of only being allowed to drive one mile round trip. There was a Weight Watchers meeting 1/4 mile from my house. The Saturday morning I went, I sat in the parking lot and watched the people go into the Church, and watched them come out. I didn't get out of the car. The next week, I went in and joined. That was in April of 2005.

I'd love to say my journey was effortless, without a speed bump or detour, but not true. The first eight months were great - I think I had a loss most every week, and in nine months I had lost 45 pounds. Then I hit a plateau (or was it a mesa), and I did the +.2, -.2 shuffle for the next 3 months.  

As frustrating as that was, I kept trying to remind myself that this was the way I was going to be eating for the rest of my life, and chose to view it as "premature maintenance".  The real issue was that I was unable to exercise (I was barely able to move).  

My doctor sent me for Aquatic Physical Therapy, which over time evolved into water-walking, then water aerobics.  I talk about it in Let's Get Physical Once I started to exercise, I didn't lose that much more weight, but I lost three sizes!  As I've been known to say to my members, "items in the overhead shift during flight", and I was thrilled to put some of my "items" back where they belonged.

I hit my goal in June of 2006 and Lifetime in August. I was ecstatic. I was a different person. I was in a lot less pain (and I attribute that to not carrying the weight equivalent of a 7-year-old on my back and neck every day).  What I didn't know then was that I had not only lost 60 pounds, but I would be looking back seven years later and not have found it again."

Thanks much to Teri for this very inspiring story! She has since become a Weight Watchers leader and finds it the most rewarding job she's ever had. See her blog at Weight Weight Don't Tell Me

Selasa, 02 Juni 2015

Teen Loses 100 Pounds in Ten Months

Charles before weight loss
Charles after weight loss
Charles is a teenager, age 16, who became determined to lose weight 14 months ago. At that point he weighed 285 pounds. Within ten months of starting, he had succeeded in losing 100 pounds! Three months later he had lost another 15 pounds to reach his goal weight of 170 pounds. (He is 6'0 tall.)

Charles did this with amazing tenacity and has completely changed his life around. Here is his hugely inspiring story;

Since the age of five, I loved chicken nuggets, fries, pizza and Chinese food. My love for fast foods and large portions were two of the most significant factors that impacted my weight drastically.

I didn't want to listen to my parent’s concern for me to eat healthy foods. Almost everyday, I desired fried foods that were high in calories and fats. When going to restaurants, I would only order foods such as pepperoni pizza, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and cheeseburgers without even glancing at the other options on the menu. I also led a sedentary life and played video games or on the computer. I was gaining huge amounts of weight per year. 

In May 2011, I went to the doctor for my physical and my weight had peaked at its highest – 285 pounds! My doctor explained to me that if I didn't do something about my weight, I would have an increased chance of developing heart disease and diabetes later in life, as well as a decreased life expectancy. My mother had diabetes and took insulin 4 times a day. My grandfather had died from atherosclerosis.

I ran out of breath while walking up the steps and during physical education, always came in last, which resulted in taunts from others. Also, I could never wear “cool” clothes for kids my age, and had to wear men’s XXL shirts and huge baggy pants. I was ashamed to be seen in public. In school, I was degraded and ridiculed with hurtful comments and jeers from students. This lowered my self-esteem immensely. I was extremely devastated and didn't want to go to school or talk to anyone. 

One day after getting up from bed, I couldn't breathe. I felt as if I was going to die. I prayed to God to help me and it was then that I decided to make a serious effort to lose weight and become healthy. 

My mom had a workout video called “Sweatin’ to the Oldies” by fitness guru Richard Simmons. It was basically dancing and exercising to great music. It was fun and made me feel good. I read on the internet about healthy eating and devised a menu for myself. 

After checking with my physician, I began to eat well-balanced meals which consisted of more protein, less carbs/fats, and I also counted calories. I completely avoided white bread and sugar. Instead, I ate low cal/carb wheat bread and used Equal. I hated salads before, but now I loved it and dressed it up with fresh veggies and low cal dressing. Diet sodas were permanently replaced by bottles of water. 

The first few months were not easy; I battled the temptation of food and just a short walk on the treadmill made me run out of breath. However, I remained focused on my goal and I worked harder each day. 

I began running one mile with strain, and after 5 months and 50 lbs less, I was running 5 to 7 miles per day. I started doing muscle toning basics and athletic style cardio workouts using videos which had a definite boot camp attitude. 

In 10 months, I was 185 lbs, I had lost 100 lbs. 

It has now become a habit for me to eat healthy and on a timely basis. I do not eat dinner beyond 7:00PM. If I get hungry at night, I have sugar-free, fat-free Jello or an Atkins bar. In addition to running, I love playing basketball, and doing strength and weight conditioning. 

After thirteen months, at 170 lbs, I have lost a total of 115 lbs and maintained my weight.

I understand the plight of teens who suffer from obesity and the emotional and physical strain associated with it. I want to tell them to believe in themselves and do their weight loss regimen a little at a time. Also to never lose faith in themselves or let anyone bring them down by telling them that they can’t do it. Have faith, stay focused, it will take hard work and determination, but the rewards will be great. Thank you, Charles Haines

Senin, 01 Juni 2015

Losing 50 Pounds and Keeping it Off

Shira at age 25, 175 pounds
Shira at age 45, 125 pounds
When Shira was 25 years old she weighed 175 pounds and felt she was about 50 pounds overweight given her height of 5'4".

She went on to lose the weight starting from the inside out through jornaling, positive self-talk and visualization in addition to lots of exercise and eating better.

What is doubly wonderful about her story is that she has successfully maintained this weight loss for twenty years. At age 45 she still weighs 125.

Check out her website at The Lighter Perspective. Congrats Shira!

Selasa, 24 Maret 2015

Triphala - A Natural Aid for Weight Loss

I've been very happy with my weight for a few years now but there is something not quite right with my digestive system. I am not absorbing the nutrients and eliminating the waste as efficiently as I could be. I think I may be short on some healthy intestinal enzymes or may have accumulated some unhealthy bacteria or virus but I know something is not quite right as my stomach often makes outrageous noises and the intestines seem to move (!) after a meal and I often feel a need to (excuse me) release gas, which was never a problem I had before. This has been an ongoing thing for a few years now.

Although my weight continues to be ideal (I am middle-age and do not expect a completely flat mid section) I think my stomach is more bloated than it should ideally be. Though I eat mostly healthy, non-processed foods, I do have three bad habits which probably impact my digestive system; coffee, red wine and cigarettes. It would be good if I could quit at least one of these and see if this improves my digestive system but I can't see myself doing that anytime soon..

On hearing about my digestive ailments, a friend who is a healer and has incredible nutritional knowledge recommended I try taking Triphala powder (mixed into a glass of warm water) for a month.

I had never even heard of Triphala before but after looking it up it certainly sounds amazing and it does appear that the exceptionally leading-edge healthy people in the yoga/vegetarian circles are in the know about it and are raving about it.

This 'mild laxative' is the single most commonly prescribed herbal supplement by Ayurvedic experts. A very strong core principle of Ayurvedic medicine is that perfect digestion is the basis of all health  So healing the digestive system is the first priority of Ayurvedic experts.

Triphala acts as a natural laxative. It helps cure constipation and promotes regular bowel movement. For people who have developed digestive issues, it is seen as being a very helpful and easy aide to restore health to your digestive system. But its wonders go much broader than that. It has also been shown to improve the functioning of the liver, colon, heart, to improve circulation and to be a great aid in weight loss!
So I am going to start taking a teaspoon of this powder each day and will report back in a couple of weeks to let you know how it's going and whether it's working. (Update Note: April 14th....Hi, it's been about three weeks and I can say the triphala is definitely working great for me. I've been taking about half a teaspoon in boiled water (that i've mixed and let sit for a while) each day. It has made my stomach feel a bit queasy but i definitely feel it has been eliminating toxins from my digestive system and my distended stomach is shrinking ! I feel like I've lost at least a waist size (and I've been eliminating more than usual and very nicely thankyou ;-)).

Though triphala is renowned for helping with constipation and digestion issues, I was also curious to see if there were lots of personal stories out there about triphala being effective for weight loss. Here are some interesting and encouraging snippets I found on various sites. 

These people found Triphala a great help in their weight loss journey;

I've been using triphala for a couple of weeks as recommended (2 tablets twice a day); I heard about it on Dr. Oz and as an almost pure "Vata" type (with minor Pitta influence) thought, "I have to try this." I've always had IBS-like symptoms including significant bloating, and it's uncomfortable to say the least. I eat well, plenty of fruits and veggies, but still had trouble. Well, the triphala came and I tried it. Can't say I thought much about it for the first week, but I figured maybe it was normalizing things without much overt effect at first. And about a week in, presto. I suddenly saw effects, and improvements keep happening. I'm "regular," no mad dashes to the bathroom *or* constipation, and my pants fit, with bloating much less -- not completely gone, but getting there. My skin is also clearer and I look about 10 years younger. It's like I'm undergoing a deep all-over cleansing, which is actually probably what really *is* happening if my digestive system is normalizing. I plan on taking this for the rest of my life. I wish I'd heard about it years ago.
I saw Triphala on Doctor Oz, he said if someone does nothing else, they will lose weight with this. He is right, it works great! It makes you not hungry, and has really stopped my evening munching.


I’ve been taking triphala every night for about a year and a half… and it has done wonders. I didn’t need the weight loss – but it helped my digestion immeasurably. My secret recipe for health and happiness: Kundalini yoga, triphala (1/4 tsp in hot water… more if “necessary”), and no gluten. This has been the trifecta that has brought about mental clarity, health, strength and vitality (and a more toned mid-section). Feeling better than ever. Hope more people get onboard – ayurveda rather than pills to mask symptoms!


I started taking Triphala in June/ 2013. I was 240 pounds at the time. As of December when I weighed myself I am 198. 42 pounds in six months is not bad. Most weight I have lost ever, and kept it off.. I take 1 triphala tablet when I wake up 1 hour before I eat, take 1 tablet before lunch and 1 tablet before I go to sleep at night. And drink plenty of water throughout the day.


Triphala powder is a miracle medicine. My experience, I lost 3kgs in 4 weeks, my knee, ankle, finger JTS pain almost gone, inflammation reduced, BP reduced, eye sight reasonably improved (typed without glasses). I am 58 years old, I take one teaspoon at night 1 hr after dinner and I teaspoon in the morning with ample water. No problem or side effect. I feel better and fresher than before.

I bought this after watching an episode of Dr. Oz where he had a guest on who spoke about ayurvedic medicine. She suggested taking this, drinking ala tea, switching the dinner meal with the lunch meal, curry powder and massage. I bought this and took 2 pills every night for a month, drank ala tea (16 oz water, 1 tsp cumin seeds, 1 tsp fennel seeds, and 1 tsp coriander seeds boiled for 5 minutes) for about a week I kept forgetting to drink it , and switched the lunch and dinner meals and lost 11 pounds in 1 month without exercise or dieting. In fact I thought I would gain weight because I had been eating fast food for the 3rd week while having work done on the kitchen. (Chili fries, burgers, fried zucchini, etc.) This was the easiest way to lose weight since it is effortless.


Senin, 23 Maret 2015

Permanent Weight Loss - No Going Back to Fat

Tammi used to weigh 275 pounds and we wrote about her weight loss success three years ago. Check out her before pic and story here

She has just commented on that post to let us know that it's been three years and she has kept the weight off!  

Hey, I'm the Tammi in this story. I just wanted to give an update because I know people often wonder if people in these stories keep off their weight. Well, not only have I kept off my weight but I am now an ACE certified Personal Trainer and Health Coach and I own my own studio! I am actually helping people get in the best shape of their lives for a full-time job! I feel so blessed and my hope is to spread the gift of health to as many people as I can while I am on this earth. Good luck to everyone! It's hard but it's SO SO unbelievably worth it!

Minggu, 22 Maret 2015

Flattering Plus Size Tops

Hi all, I'm back after a long time away from this blog and will be posting a couple of great weight loss stories this week.

In the meantime I've been enjoying selecting some of the tops and tee shirts for spring and summer that I think are the most flattering and attractive in plus sizes. These tops all feature some kind of embellishment or unique style. Not your average t-shirts! Check them out and let me know if you agree this is a great selection.

Avenue Plus Size Embellished Floral Striped Capelet
Embellished Floral Striped Capelet $49
This solid tank has a beautiful floral striped mesh sheer overlay.

Avenue Plus Size Painterly Floral Striped Tee
Painterly Floral Striped Tee $49

A flattering tee with dolman sleeves and a slimming fun floral print at the center front.

Avenue Plus Size Green Tie Dye Tulip Hem Hi Lo Tee
Tie Dye Tulip Hem Hi Lo Tee $41
This is a cute layered knit tee with a tulip-hem at the front and a scooped neckline.

Sleeveless Lace-Yoke Button-Front  $17.99

This is a dressy crepe blouse with a feminine lacy trim on sale now at Just My Size for only $17.99.

Avenue Plus Size Mixed Diamond Keyhole Top
Mixed Diamond Keyhole Top $34
These colors are beautiful, black, turquouise and green mixed in a diamond print. The scooped neckline has a black trim and a keyhole at the yoke.

Avenue Floral Pleat Front Tank
Floral Pleat Front Tank $55
This coral flral print has pintuck pleats down the center in the front. Refreshingly summery.

Avenue Plus Size Watercolor Abstract Hardware 2Fer Top
Plus size knit sleeveless 2fer top $37
This is a slimming look with a solid knit black tank underneath a coral watercolor abstract print open style blouse.

So what do you think? Do you have a favorite or two here and do you agree this is a great selection of flattering styles for plus sizes?